Executive committee

The PALM coordinator and Deputy Coordinator, both approved by the 12 institutions board, lead the Executive Committee (CODIR: comité de direction) assisted for all the operational parts by a project manager. The executive committee encompasses the heads of all focus topics. The coordinator convenes the executive committee meetings before each steering committee and whenever necessary.

Coordinator  Philippe Mendels (LPS)
Deputy coordinator  Martine Soyer (IRAMIS)
Head of topic 1  Chris Westbrook (LCF)
Head of topic 2  Gianguido Baldinozzi (SPMS)
Head of topic 3  Marino Marsi (LPS)
Head of Emergence  Jacques ROBERT (LPGP) 
Head of Education  Nathalie Westbrook( LCF) 
Head of Innovation  Patrick Bouchon (DOTA)


The executive committee:

  • proposes the budget to the steering committee and reports on a regular basis about the breakdown of the funds allocated to the project.
  • monitors the progress of the funded projects.
  • organizes the steering committee meetings (notifications, agenda…).
  • reports to the steering committee the conclusions of the meetings with the Partner Institutions or Partner Laboratories.
  • prepares the annual meeting, presents to the institutions board an annual report of the Labex activity report and the next year and long-term prospects.
  • is in charge of the scientific reports.
  • signs and conveys to university Paris-Saclay the minutes of the steering committee’s decisions regarding funding approval.
  • organizes the sessions of the international scientific committe.